Friday, May 9, 2008

20 Ways to Advance Your Career

by: Cecile Peterkin

To survive and thrive in today's competitive environment, it is not just what you know. You also need to be competent. You must stand out from the crowd - be memorable, impressive, credible, trusted and liked.

"Success is never a destination - it is a journey."

- Maya Sullivan

1. Exceed expectations; deliver results on a or head of time.

2. Manage your time effectively.

3. Create a career plan with goals and training requirements.

4. Move away from day-to-day operations.

5. Develop strong rapport with colleagues, senior managers/executives.

6. Get a mentor, accept guidance in your career.

7. Know your organization's goals vision, values, business strategies.

8. Create opportunites to further own/business goals.

9. Solicit feedback and assess the decision for purposes of continuous improvement.

10. Communicate effectively to people at all levels of your organization.

11. Build and maintain relationships with individuals who might impact your work.

12. Plan, prioritize and organize your work.

13. Manage own emotions and reactions.

14. Balance the demands of your personal and professional life.

15. Give yourself quarterly reviews, identify your accomplishments.

16. Become your own sales team, market your abilities.

17. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.

18. Be decisive and action oriented.

19. Commit to excellence and professionalism.

20. Be self-disciplined.

Cecile Peterkin is a trained Career/Life Coach and speaker whose work centers primarily on middle managers and their various challenges. She also works with individuals who are ready to move forward, take action, achieve goals and experience overall life improvement, both in personal and in career.

Cosmic Coaching Centre


7 Tips to Jump Start your Public Speaking Success

by: Sandra Schrift
Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this
article in its entirety, electronically, or in print fre*e
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TITLE: 7 Tips to Jump Start your Public Speaking Success
AUTHOR: Sandra Schrift

COPYRIGHT: ©2004 by Sandra Schrift. All rights reserved


7 Tips to Jump Start your Public Speaking Success

The formula for success – Have a passion for what you speak
on. Master your delivery. And be very persistent about what
you need to do to be a sought after speaker who is asked to
come back again and again!

1. To begin – Practice the four D’s: Drop, Delay, Delegate,
and Do! Make the space for taking the steps needed to pursue
your speaking career.

2. Acknowledge and utilize your prime time (Chronobiology).
Use your peak working hours to develop and collect your
material, listen to tapes, hear other speakers, view videos,

3. Visualize your speech and break through your nervousness.
See it. Feel it. Allow it to happen.

4. Get away from “woulda, coulda, shoulda” thinking. Don’t
wait for the perfect time – just DO IT!! Remember: There is
no right time to begin your speaking career.

5. Take one step at a time – the first step is the hardest.
Then – do what is needed to package yourself and improve
your delivery constantly.

6. Set time limits – you don’t have to do it all in one
month…or even one year.

7. Don’t do it alone – company makes it more fun!! Hire a
Coach now and cut your learning curve.

About the Author

Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to
"grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations.
To find out How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker, go to
Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine

5 Promotion Secrets to Get the Job You Want

by: Ed Sykes

You Mean I Need to Promote Myself to Get a Promotion?

Time and time again I hear the following from students in my career advancement workshops:

  • “My work speaks for itself…I shouldn’t have to tell anyone about my skills.”
  • “Why did they hire from the outside, I am already doing what’s required of that position?”
  • “Why did they get the job, I have more skills and experience than they do?”
  • “How come my name is never mentioned when promotions come up in conversation?”

The answer is…you need to promote your skills and experience. Everybody quotes the old saying, “It not what you know, but who you know.” That’s not quite right. The correct saying should be, “It not what you know but who knows what you know.” The people that can make decisions or have input on your career need to know what you know. This will only happen if you promote, promote, promote your special skills and experience.

Here are five secrets you can use to promote yourself for promotions:

1. Volunteer to Make a Difference

Volunteer for assignments that expose your skills. Look for especially challenging projects that other people have declined.

Also volunteer to mentor others within your organization. This will show and develop your leadership, management, and interpersonal skills. Keep management posted on your challenges and how you are working with the person you are mentoring to overcome these challenges.

Volunteer to write a department or organizational newsletter. This is another way to benefit a large group with your ideas while showcasing your skills and ideas.

2. Be a Solution Creator not a Problem Maker

Anybody can find problems within organizations. My experience is that you don’t need to find them…they will find you. Sometimes they have a special skill of finding problems and reporting them.

Develop the skill of looking at these problems as “opportunities for advancement,” step back and analyze the opportunity, and develop ideas for overcoming the problem. Make sure you communicate these solutions during meetings, e-mails, memos, and conversations with management. You will soon be looked upon by management as someone who can overcome obstacles and make things happen within the organization.

3. Handle the Next Level at This Level

If you are a manager and want to become a vice president then, start working like a vice president. Find a vice president that is open to mentoring you for the next level. Remember, that vice president will not be promoted to the next level unless the organization sees that the vice president has developed someone to take their spot. It might as well be you. Plus you can lighten their work load.

Explain to the vice president what you want to accomplish so that everyone has a clear understanding and that this is a win-win situation for all involved.

I hear, “I’m too busy already to do this.” Well, let me ask you, “How badly do you want the promotion?” We are all busy. It’s up to you to enhance your time management and delegation skills so that you can take on these tasks that will prepare you for the next level.

4. Announce That You Want It!

Many times employees miss out on promotions because the decision makers and career influencers do not know they are interested in being promoted.

Announce that you want to go to the next career level!

Take time to sit down with your supervisor, manager, director, etc. and let them know you are interested in going to the next level. Ask them for their honest assessment of your skills. Then ask what you need to do to be ready when the next career opportunity appears.

Also announce your career aspirations to influencers in the Human Resources Department. Remember the more people they can hire from the outside, the less work they need to do. Make it easy for them to hire you.

Announce it to any one who can influence the decision for your promotion.

5. Join Groups to Accelerate Promotions

Join committees within the organization. This shows management that you care enough to make a difference.

Also join professional groups and associations. Professional groups and associations are a perfect way to let influencers outside your organization about your skills. Don’t just join, participant in the association’s activities to show your creativity, teamwork, and other skills.

One of the most important groups that you could ever join…is Toastmasters. This is a worldwide organization with over 175,000 members dedicated to helping it’s improve their public speaking, evaluation, think-on-your-feet, and leadership skills. The main reasons you should join Toastmaster is the following:

  • Toastmasters give you the confidence to approach any opportunity with confidence.
  • Toastmaster gives you the speaking skills to stand up in front of group and present your point in a persuasive manner while others shy away from this opportunity.
  • You develop your leadership skills by learning how to do effective, positive, and encouraging feedback and evaluations while learning how to empower the receiver to do better.
  • You have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by volunteering for positions at the club, area, state, regional, and international level. I always say if you can’t get the skills at your organization, you can get it at Toastmasters.

Join and let your organization know you’ve joined these groups. I remember a student telling me he wanted the job of Network Administrator in a large organization. He never seemed to get past the first interviews. Then he joined Toastmasters. He shared with me he gained the confidence and think-on-your-feet skills needed to master his interviews. Shortly after joining Toastmasters, he landed his dream job as Network Administrator at a major hospital. It can make the difference for you.

I challenge you to apply these techniques. You will see immediate results and go to the next level.

By Ed Sykes © 2005 all Rights Reserved

About The Author

Ed Sykes is a professional speaker, author, and leading expert in the areas of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building. You can e-mail him at, or call him at (757) 427-7032. Go to his web site,, and signup for the newsletter, OnPoint, and receive the free ebook, "Empowerment and Stress Secrets for the Busy Professional."

21st Century Career Success

21St Century Career Success
When it comes to modern career development, one thing we can all count on is change. With the advent of technology, telecommuting, and E-commerce, how work is performed is in a state of reinvention. Self-employment and small business development will become more the norm than big business. And career changes will be more frequent due to rapidly changing organizations and industries. Finally, the line between one’s personal and professional life will become even more blurred. Since the modern world of work is rapidly changing to keep up with the demands of our fast-paced lives and lifestyles, here are some characteristics of what the new work contract will look like:
§Seeking more meaning from work.
§Equating “career success” with personal satisfaction over paycheck or status.
§Everyone will need their own “name-brand.”
§Increased use of technology.
§Finding work that needs doing.
§Changing in the way management and leadership is conducted (less arrogance at the top level, more power on lower levels).
§Increased need for networking and self-marketing.
§Lifelong “trying on” of various roles, jobs, and industries.
§Creating a plan that is flexible, and continually assessing the “fit” of the work.
§Increased representation of women and minorities in the workforce.
§Changing career fields numerous times in a lifetime.
§Self-responsibility: Everyone knowing they have to chart their own career direction.
However, the 21st century career also offers many advantages:
§More career opportunities for everyone.
§Freedom to choose from a variety of jobs, tasks, and assignments.
§More flexibility in how and where work is performed, i.e. working from
home or telecommuting.
§More control over your own time.
§Greater opportunity to express yourself through your work.
§Ability to shape and reshape your life’s work in accordance with your values and interests.
§Increased opportunity to develop other skills by working in various industries and environments.
§Self-empowerment mindset.
§Allows you to create situations or positions where you can fill a need in the world that is not being filled.
§Opportunity to present yourself as an independent contractor or vendor with services to offer.

How can you successfully navigate through the turbulent times of change and career uncertainty? By developing resiliency, exercising proactivity, creating excellent self-marketing tools, keeping your skills up-to-date, and finding your unique life balance.
1.Develop resiliency (the ability to bounce back).
Having the right attitude about career change is imperative to your ability to bounce back from setbacks, sudden changes, and twists and turns along your career path. You will experience a lot of career change and transitions, so you may as well get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.
2.Take a proactive approach to your career development
You must constantly be on the lookout for new ways to apply your gifts and talents in the new economy. This requires thinking creatively, actively promoting yourself/business, and being actively involved in how your career progresses. Staying involved in professional associations, and continuous networking are excellent ways to connect with other like-minded professionals.
3.Create first-rate marketing materials
Always keep your resume current. You never know when you are going to want to share it with someone or pass it along. If you are in business for yourself, develop classy business cards and letterhead. Harness the power of the internet by developing an interactive website.
4.Commit to lifelong learning
To keep earning, keep learning. Do not wait until you lose your job or want to look for another position to gain new skills or training. Recognize the need to be open to learning and attend classes related to your area of expertise to keep your skills sharp and marketable. Keep in mind the top skills needed for career success include:Communication, Computer-knowledge, Creativity, Customer Care
5.Find your unique life balance
There are four dimensions to life: love, labor, leisure, learning. Remember that work is just one aspect of your life pie. Be sure to indulge in all of your areas. Because having an overall balanced life is what leads to the most fulfillment.

Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. is a Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author of the Get Smart! LearningBook Series: Get Smart! About Modern Romantic Relationships and Get Smart! About Modern Career Development. She can be reached at
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3 Things You Must Do If You Want To Create Sales Pages, Mini

by: Jim Kelley
Almost everyone I have known since getting on-line five years ago
has a driven ambition to design their own web site or sales pages
for some project of theirs. Yours is a special design or article
that makes it tough to design everyday web-pages for it seems.
But thru the years what I call "html" blues has stopped more than
one project to fold. The endless 'TESTING' to make sure
everything works as designed has caused more than one to turn
away from a profitable career on-line. This program is designed
to create perfect code EVERY TIME. All you have to do is copy and
paste to your page or site for publication. I really wish I had
this when I first started out a 'newbie' I would have had more
hair now!!!

1. Hire a professional, do a lot of study time, or use a program
like mine to elimate the "html" blues caused by the trial and
error method that takes forever to get right for instant set-up
and use.

Unless you are computer literate, html trained, the strain of
completing the trial and error method will cause you to pull your
hair out! Plus if you have to 'hire' the work done by a
'professional' you are never really sure it only has what you
want programed to work in your space.

2. Plan, Plan, Plan, and just paste and copy!

With your own copy of Instant Site Maker you can 'experiment'
with all the ideas you have in mind and select the ones that work
best for you. With my program on your desktop it will be easy to
fill in your facts and paste and copy the correct code to your
web-site or page!

3. No experience needed to have PERFECT CODED pages and site
information in under two minutes!

The program offers a step by step process that takes all the
guess work from preparing your information in the correct format.
PLUS you will have RESELL RIGHTS to make an additional stream of
income from family and friends who do want to hire someone else
to solve their html blues, YOU!!

In closing I want to impress upon all the buyers of this program
the tremendous RESELL RIGHTS value of this program. Even if you
have never wanted to 'sell' anything on the Net your family,
friends, and associates could very well make this the 'best buy'
of your career!!Please visit:http//

About the Author

Jim Kelley has been marketing online for over eight years. He
leads a research group that tests new ideas and reports on
those that actually work. If you want to save time, save
money and learn what really works when it comes to making
money online, visit Jim at